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Rainbow, baby!!

These last few days have been full of “rainbows.”  Not literally rainbows in the sky, but rainbows showing up in other ways.  I attended a book brunch at the Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (BUUF) for a discussion of the book Authentic Selves.  It’s a book comprised of interviews celebrating Trans and Nonbinary people and their families.  130 people attended.

The next day I attended the Sunday service at the Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and Reverend Sara spoke about our “skins”.  Today I participated in “March Fourth”.  A protest on the Boise, Idaho capitol steps to protect Transgender, Non-binary, and non-conforming peoples’ rights.

And there were rainbows all around!  I am reminded that we are all rainbows!  We are all unique.  And that is GOOD!!  In looking back in my journal(s) and in this gap year, I’ve always been drawn to rainbows.  The colors are amazing, and they are truly a wonderful site to see!

I came across an entry in September 2023 where I wrote about the question; Who am I to tell people to do this gap year?  And below is what I wrote.  It seems very appropriate for what I’ve been experiencing these last few days.  We are ALL rainbows, and all have the right to show our full colors!

I feel like I am not anyone special.  However, if I remember what first moved me about quitting my job, pausing, and exploring is that I am as wonderful as a rainbow!  Those amazing creations after a rain shower radiate many colors, 7 but so many variations in between.  And something else I never thought of is I am a “rainbow baby”!

A “rainbow baby” is a baby born after a pregnancy loss.  The name draws on the symbol of a rainbow representing hope and beauty after a dark time.  Wow, how amazing!  My parents waited five years to have me after the loss of my brother, Shawn.  He died at 3 days old and would have been 60 on January 28, 2024.  I must have been so wanted and loved (and still am) when coming into this world.  Maybe that’s why my name is Dawn -> light after the dark night?  My parents said it was a popular name in the late 1960s (anyone who remembers Tony Orlando & Dawn, “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Around an Old Oak Tree”? No, maybe just me 😊).

I am blessed that I am made to shine my light, my color, my happiness, my authenticity because I am ME!  Maybe I’m not “special” to a lot of people, but I know I am special to A LOT of people. And I want to shine and share my light and experiences.  It's releasing the culturally conditioned behaviors, thoughts, and actions that tell me maybe I’m NOT a rainbow.  But I know I am and so are you!  Just like the other humans who are in this world!  We all have something to share and light to shine!  It is not my job to tell others who they should be!  I can only tell you who I am.

The people in this world don’t fit into the “box” you think they should or use the pronouns you are used to; they are rainbows too.  One thing I know is that this world needs a lot more rainbows, love, and kindness and a lot less hate.

I encourage you to educate yourselves about transgender, non-binary, and non-conforming people.  You may be surprised all the light you see, and perhaps a different perspective.  They are humans too!  And in a world where we can be a lot of things, be a rainbow, and be KIND!!



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